Angeline Isen
Facebook Conversion API Installed ASAP
Adam Ergen
Build a dynamic billing system for multiple utilities, CRM, API, payments, API
Morris Senior
API for Real Estate Business
Morris Senior
API for Real Estate Business
Faisal Alsarhan
Custom api sync fix for ahopify store
Phil Engel
Upgrade old PayPal Adaptive API to the new standard API in a WordPress plugin
Jordan Bingham - LendSafe LLC
Build webpage and portal for clients to login and complete a simple task.
Catie Vineyard - Amari Consulting
Alcorn AWS Load Balancer Fix
Eric Brown - WATERLINE
Dev needed to create auto-populated class codes for virtual class purchases on Squarespace.
Ric Mike - B Int'l Hire
Job board development
Craig Junghandel - iArtisan
Need help with WordPress directory database using Google Maps / Places API
Tony Shannon - Rise Fuel
Dust Goblin Woo Commerce adjustments
Sal Saporito
Sal Saporito
Developer need to set up JetPack
Dave Wike - The JCA Company
WordPress site needs WooCommerce Fix
David Edmonds
Developer needed to add comments section to articles
Tony Shannon - Rise Fuel
Dust Goblin
Anthony Bures - Intervine Consulting
FB Business Manager API / ADS API / PHP SDK Expert
JR Draper - Twill USA
Custom Badges for Images, Fix ``Add to Cart`` button on Bulk Form & Make ``Added to Cart`` Popup Plugin Compatible with Bulk Form
Hunter Varnum
Cloudflare Caching Set UP
James Stortz - SE Telecon
Quickbooks Backed Database Repair
Ashley Paulsen
Web Development Expertise To Convert a Sencha Built Website To GoDaddy or AWS
Ravi Shankar
Enhance HTML UI for a Google add-on app
Brenda Shelly
Differentiated Business Writing
JR Draper - Twill USA
Video Embed Resize on All Devices & Add Button To Bulk Order Form (WooCommerce)
Ely Matt
Need contents for a Business Center to use for Website, Company Profile, Brochure, etc...
Josh Eveloff - The Internet Car Lot, Inc.
MYSQL Website Fix
Charles Sears - My Ammo Shop
Reach PCI DSS Compliance with my WooCommerce Store
Gregory Fox - Clear Healthcare Estimates
MCA Api w/ Quickbooks
Andre Vivante - Digital Hotel Agency
Google Travel API Development
Mark Ramos - Digital Charis Web
Fix problem with Laravel HTTP endpoint (Part 2)
Alex Dracup - Severus Holdings
Consulting of Regulations Standards for Development
Alan Parddew
Minor changes
Katherine Guzman
Transfer WordPress Website to Shopify
Aaron Miller
Aloha POS API integration
Sara Psachos - W. Creative
FF proof of concept
Karen Connolly
Having immediate problems with WordPress. Need help asap.
Nicholas Blum - TestGorilla BV
Create a test on Clean Code to evaluate candidates for relevant roles
Nicholas Blum - TestGorilla BV
Create a test on REST API to evaluate candidates for relevant roles
Frank Copsidas - The Intrigue Group
Storefront development to swap used electronics
Mandy Zweimiller - Complete Protection
Developer needed for custom WordPress Plugin maintenance & enhancement
Clay Spaulding
Developer needed
Bernard Glincosky - The Philadelphia Acting Studio
Developer needed to perform Website Speedload
Tino P - Bailey Road Ventures
Slack expert needed
Nelson Yacoubian
Woocommerce-Xero integration
Julius Richards - Delay
Hiring a creative coder to complete feature development for Web Application
Michael Terrien - Terrien Wine
Woocommerce plugin DYNAMIC PRICING
AJ Jones -
SOAP Integration within WordPress
Althea Thigpen
Redo WordPress site
Gregory Topal - Reliant Home Funding, Inc
API expert needed to push data from lead form to CRM
Clifford Pendell
Need help linking contact forms to API
Matt Hernacki
Need WordPress site edited
Mike Laulunen
Full Stack Developer needed for Website/Portal consultation and project roadmap
James Stortz - SE Telecon
API Programming & Development between a few applications
Rob Grabowski
Experienced wordpress social media site developer to enhance existing features and improvements
Matt Hernacki
Need WordPress responsive design experience to help me update my web site.
Brett Henry - MG Group
Need Immediate High End Full Stack Tech Support - Need Worpress and Server side knowledge.
Chris Glaze - CounterPoint
CPS Storify WordPress edits
Leyla Tarhan - Harvard
Code a web-based psychology experiment
Melanie Smith
Custom Plugin
Joe Khlaif
Zapier expert
Eric Stowe - The Stowe Law Firm, LLC Email
Gregory Fox - Clear Healthcare Estimates
MCA website integration with WildApricot
Eric Stowe - The Stowe Law Firm, LLC
Slack, QBO & Zapier
Mauri Peyton - PeytonBolin
Design integration between Docusign and Resware
Eric Stowe - The Stowe Law Firm, LLC
Squarespace, Webmerge, Zapier & Clio
Mohamed Amtoun - Prodacity LLC
Senior PHP developer needed for Open Source PHP Product Development
Thibault Geenen - Ferpection
Refonte de notre blog
Jeff Eaves - Sold Realty PC
Real Estate API integration
Mac Speed
Email Verification SPF & DKIM Expert Needed
Karen Connolly
Need expert in Elementor and BuddyPress
Jamie Rottnek
Review questions for a MariaDB (development) test for technical correctness
Joseph Villanueva
API Development with wordpress.
Timothy Vorhoff
Build website with survey api linking to Salesforce
Kiel Tredrea - RED27Creative
Stripe API (Adding promotion codes to Checkout)
Joshua Jackson - Question Wiki
Developers needed for creating responsive website similar to Wikipedia or Quora
Lee Grogan - Lee Lynn Inc.
s2Member Stripe Issue
Evgeniy P - Orinda Surveys
Developers needed for taking part in the survey (#1)
Althea Thigpen
Redesign wordpress site with new template, numerous new requirements
Adrienne Gilla - OnlineVerdict
Developer needed to upgrade to newest PHP platform and fix backend custom programming
Sep Sarbakhshian - District Floor Depot
WooCommerce developer needed for custom cart build
Sal Saporito
Shipping cost
David Edmonds
Fix a few website bugs
Lori Northrup
WordPress developer needed to create ``decision tree`` for technical purchases
Anthony Bures - Intervine Consulting
Amazon API Expert
Clifford Pendell
Need help with API work on a custom quote form. Some data is not transferring to our CRM.
Justin Farrell
Looking for an experienced word press plugin developer
Nancy Markoff
Apppresser / WordPress Custom Push Notifications through an API
Jennifer James - iSite Hosting Solutions
Facebook SHARE Graph API Application/Functionality Assistance
Brett Henry - MG Group
Virtual CTO
Steve Gravaris
plug-in issue woo commerce composite products is loading very slow on my mobile
Zac Fromson - Brianna Lewis
Looking for an experienced web developer
JR Draper - Twill USA
WooCommerce or other WordPress Shopping Cart Development
Atanas Stoyanov - Wootrader Inc
SVG set of editor Icons
Chris Glaze - CounterPoint
Squarespace Like/Share/Comment/Email/Search buttons translation
Josh Eveloff -The Internet Car Lot, Inc.
Script Needed To Upload Inventory In a CSV File To Facebook For a Product Catalog
Jason Pim - Sharkinetics
Developer for Boating Web Site
Mark Ramos - Digital Charis Web
Fix problem with Laravel HTTP endpoint
Adam Lovallo - Sheridan Media LLC
Debug a JavaScript + jQuery Problem on my WordPress Plugin
George Vasu - Multigent Corporation
API Development
Alan Parddew